Future Focused Solutions
Creativity - Process - Passion

Future Focused Solutions is a provider of business consulting services for a wide range of industries from food to fine art. Leveraging diversified experience, entrepreneurship, and an extensive network of experts and associate companies, FFS has partnered with start-ups and mature businesses helping grow profits, expand into new markets, improve results and solve complex problems.

We maintain low overhead and pass this on to our clients through lower fees, while maintaining the highest level of quality, service and professionalism.  Additionally, our size and efficiency provide a competitive advantage over large bureaucratic firms and individual consultants.

What We Do

Our sole focus is to listen intently to our clients, assess their needs, and help develop and implement a comprehensive plan to achieve desired results.  We do not believe in theory and conjecture, but in tangible, logical initiatives that create value for all stakeholders that is balanced and sustainable. We will constantly challenge your thinking and support you in making any changes necessary for your business to thrive.

We have the expert resources to provide support and direction for every facet of your business from operations and finance, to human resources and business development. We can even assist in raising capital through our extensive Venture Capital Network, or possibly take an equity position ourselves offering the added benefit of a long-term partnership.

How We Operate

Future Focused Solutions understands that needs and circumstances differ greatly from business to business based on a multitude of factors.  Therefore, we work hard to keep our fee schedule flexible.  We believe that options are a key to success in any aspect of business, and reflect that when negotiating our financial arrangements. We are also prepared to discuss putting a portion of our fees at risk coupled with the appropriate reward. Our primary goal is a relationship that is fair, balanced and based on earned trust.  Most importantly, regardless of our financial arrangements, we view ourselves as your partner every step of the way. Your satisfaction is our unwavering commitment.

Contact Us

We look forward to hearing from you, discussing your needs and bringing the power of Future Focused Solutions' resources to your firm.  FFS understands the need for confidentiality and therefore operates with the utmost discretion in all of its dealings. Click on the link below to contact us and take the first step to making a positive difference in the future of your company.


“Creating value for all stakeholders that is balanced and sustainable”

Who We Are